Cypress Tests Not Running Correctly On Bamboo


I have some cypress/storybook tests that run on Bamboo when the repository is updated, but for whatever reason the tests don't run.

Instead what happens is Bamboo fails them almost instantly. I have tried putting console.log() in my test and those also are not outputting leading me to believe that the tests are simply not being run.

                                  │ Tests:        18                 │
build   10-Apr-2019 10:20:46      │ Passing:      0                  │
build   10-Apr-2019 10:20:46      │ Failing:      18                 │
build   10-Apr-2019 10:20:46      │ Pending:      0                  │
build   10-Apr-2019 10:20:46      │ Skipped:      0                  │
build   10-Apr-2019 10:20:46      │ Screenshots:  18                 │
build   10-Apr-2019 10:20:46      │ Video:        true               │
build   10-Apr-2019 10:20:46      │ Duration:     2 seconds          │
build   10-Apr-2019 10:20:46      │ Spec Ran:     functional_spec.js │

The strange thing is that the tests should take about 1-2 minutes to finish running and the commands seem to work fine, the logs are outputting everything like normal so I can not find the issue here.

    "cy": "cypress open",
    "cy:ci": "cypress run --reporter junit --reporter-options \"mochaFile=test-results/cypress.[hash].xml\"",
    "cy:docker:build": "docker build --tag cypress_docker .",
    "cy:docker:run": "docker run -v $PWD:/test -w /test cypress_docker",
    "cy:docker:cmd": "npm start & wait-on --timeout=120000 http-get://localhost:9009 && npm run cy:ci",
    "cy:docker": "npm run cy:docker:build && npm run cy:docker:run"`

The command run is cy:docker to start the process.

Does anyone have any ideas for why this is happening??

David Wolak

Posted 2019-04-10T22:53:13.183

Reputation: 1

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