MediaWiki: What are parameters in widgets?


I'd like to add some HTML code to all pages of a MediaWiki website,
for that I've installed the Widgets extension by documentation,

I understand that I should create the widget code as a wiki page and then call it with the {{#widget}} parser function,
but I miss what are the parameters there in call as it's just HTML I call to insert between <head></head>:


What are these parameters and wouldn't it be easier to add some custom JavaScript to add the HTML to each webpage?


Posted 2019-04-10T06:08:48.380

Reputation: 1 029

The parameters are explained just a little below where your link points to. – Jasper – 2019-04-10T06:32:55.677

param=value pairs are the settable parameters, defined within the widget code = what they use for? All parameters passed to a widget are converted into Smarty parameters. What they use for? I think this is the only indirect explanation I found: Important: Use escape modifiers on all passed-in parameters to prevent users from passing in raw HTML from normal wiki pages. Failure to protect against this will expose the hosting site to XSS (and other) attacks.: They hold "pieces" of HTML. – JohnDoea – 2019-04-10T06:52:34.687

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