Mac OS NOTES-APP failed me


I have a specific problem regarding the notes-app, maybe someone can advice...

I've taken a bunch of photos with my iphone inside the notes-app (by using the little "+"-symbol beneath the tex-field) and put written text beneath each photo (the photos show art-works, the text beneath the photos describe the artworks).

I want that note to be exported "as is" in a rtf-file (NOT PDF!), so I can put it into an Email and send it out.

Whatever I tried it doesn't work: - installed an app called "Notes-Exporter", but it only exports to plaintext (no images) - installed an app called "EXPORTER" from the App-store, but it also doesn't export the images - I can not copy and paste the note anywhere (it only exports the plain text with "broken image"-symbol) - I moved the note from iCloud to GMAIL, but GMAIL does not show the note, probably because it's too big for GMAIL (it's ~30 photos). GMAIL shows newer notes that I wrote as a test though, so I guess it's a size-problem

All I seem to be able to do is exporting as a PDF, but I need the images as they are, as photos, as image files. And I need them with the text written beneath them.

Does anyone know a workaround?

Thanks in advance,


Sebastian Mayer

Posted 2019-04-08T13:20:40.280

Reputation: 1

You should ask this question on our Apple-specific sister site. Questions about mobile devices are off-topic on SuperUser. However, you'll also want to include what option you select in the + menu to capture these images in the question . – music2myear – 2019-04-08T16:41:25.627

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