Mac OS High Sierra SSD umounted


I installed ubuntu with refined on my pro book and then for uninstalling it i removed disk partition for ubuntu and swap [ubuntu though was not removing] from mac disk utility but it lefted me with no option to boot into mac again.

I followed this guys steps[] , in the warning and it tried other links he suggested which lefted me at a devastation point.

Now my internal disk is not mounting at all.

in internet recovery mode i have this output to

'diskutil list':

/dev/disk0  (internal,physical):

#:     TYPE NAME                                       SIZE                       IDENTIFIER

0:     FDisk_partition_scheme                 *250.1GB                 disk0

1:     Apple_HFS                                         250.1GB                 disk0s1

whereas 'gpt -r show /dev/disk0' gives:

gpt show: error: bogus map

gpt show:  unable to open device 'dev/disk0': Undefined error: 0

In Diskutility the disk0 and it's mount option is greyed out and is not erasing/first aiding/mounting successfully.



Posted 2019-04-05T04:11:48.527

Reputation: 1

I followed these links to uninstall ubuntu from my machine: Mac Ubuntu uninstall

– Momil – 2019-04-05T04:12:59.713

And i reffered to warning given under the answer a that was my issue and reffered to the other two links in the warning of the above link – Momil – 2019-04-05T04:14:32.843

An now finally my internal disk is not mounted because it have fsck partitioning scheme – Momil – 2019-04-05T05:13:02.117

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