What is this "Tx" button on this textbox?


I am trying to document an internal web application, and at the top of the edit box, one last button makes no sense to me. (It's hard to search on, because "TX" = Texas)

Screenshot showing the edit buttons on top of the box, including the mysterious "Tx"

The T appears in italics and underlined, the X is potentially in subscript. I've played around with trying to select text and then press the button: no results.

For the B, I, U, the expected bolding, italicizing, and underlining occur. I've also tested the other icons up there and they behaved in an expected manner.

The Tx has a color-change when hovered over (as the other buttons do), and it has the appearance of being pressed in when clicked. These indicate to me that this Tx is meant to be functional, not just a signature saying that this is a Tx-brand TextBox.

So what is Tx , and what amazing texty functionality have I been missing out on?

subquestion - can whatever-the-function-is be replicated with a keyboard shortcut?

Using I.E. 11 because it's required for work. Is this something that prefers other browsers?

UPDATE: I tested it with JAWS's "list form fields" command, but alas, it's yet another "unlabeled button." Our developers aren't the most 508-compliant ones.

April Salutes Monica C.

Posted 2019-04-03T15:30:44.540

Reputation: 123



That plugin is called TinyMCE. Its official website can be found at https://www.tiny.cloud

The button you are looking at is the "Clear Formatting" button.

In the below link (working example of TinyMCE) - highlight come text and select the format menu - you will see the button complete with its description here: enter image description here

Its worth pointing out that this plugin (commonly used on sites powered by WordPress, Joomla and other content managers) can be configured by the developer implementing it and both menus and buttons can be turned on or off, so the example will not look absolutely identical to your example (not to mention outdated versions running on some sites may make it look slightly different).

Hope this helps.


Posted 2019-04-03T15:30:44.540

Reputation: 11 177

Thank you! I tested it, and that's what it does! And I found ctrl-Space does the same thing! Thanks again! – April Salutes Monica C. – 2019-04-03T15:46:48.693