MAMP virtualhost pointing to localhost


I have followed this tutorial : I have followed with success point 1 and 2

I set localhost:8888 root to /Application/MAMP/htdocs which I can access by http://localhost:8888

but I have problem with point 3. I am new to Mac, I have this in my httpd-vhost.conf :

<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot "/Application/MAMP/htdocs/axim"
ServerName axim.test

and in /etc/hosts file :    axim.test       localhost broadcasthost
::1             localhost

When I type in browser (after restart of MAMP) http://axim.test:8888 I am directed to this page the same page than localhost:8888

When I type http://axim.test (without port) I am directed to the page that says "It Works !".

Yvon Huynh

Posted 2019-04-03T08:48:34.060

Reputation: 1

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