internal error during nvprof profiling


I am using the nvprof to collect some information about applications. I can run "nvprof a.out" successfully(assuming we have a CUDA program called a.out), but I can not run "nvprof --metrics all a.out", it reports thatprofiling error

Also, it can not run "nvprof --metrics ipc a.out", means that as long as I want to collect some specific metrics it will report the error.

My nvcc version and CUDA version are both 9.1 Does anyone encountered the same situation?


Posted 2019-04-03T06:20:52.047

Reputation: 21



I am having a quite similar issue and inspired by this bug report I tried running nvprof with sudo and it seems to work.

Posted 2019-04-03T06:20:52.047

Reputation: 151