Computer Screen Glitch


I tried googling for this problem, but it's quite hard to describe the image I got.

A few seconds after logging in with the screen looking fine, no matter whether I booted into Windows / elementaryos, I get the screen as shown. I quickly booted into windows again to disable the nvidia card in case it was the issue, and the problem is (for now) gone.

Any idea what the problem is?




Posted 2019-04-03T01:35:55.680

Reputation: 1

It seems you diagnosed the issue well: disabling the Nvidia card bypasses the problem, so it's in that hardware. I'd try reseating the card itself and any connectors and memory chips. Also check that airflow is unobstructed If that does not resolve the issue, substitute another video card. – DrMoishe Pippik – 2019-04-03T02:19:49.303

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