Streaming RTSP with ffmpeg?


So I have been able to successfully send an RTP video stream from my server to the client on another system on the LAN and play it using ffplay. I now want to send the video on the same network using RTSP so that the client can receive the video and can have additional options like pausing the video etc. Can anyone give me a general guideline or point me to a resource that can help me in accomplishing my task?


I have tried these commands:

ffmpeg -re -i input -f rtsp -rtsp_transport tcp rtsp://localhost:8888/live.sdp

ffplay -rtsp_flags listen rtsp://localhost:8888/live.sdp

It does start streaming the video in real-time but I don't actually see any options to control the media stream like playback, record etc!

NB: The .sdp file I am currently using for RTSP is the same as the one I used for RTP streaming.


Posted 2019-04-02T09:16:22.530

Reputation: 31


What have you already tried? Have you read

– slhck – 2019-04-02T10:20:28.347

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