npm offline registry package.json integrity


I use an offline npm registry, on a network that isn't connected to the internet. Every once in a while I publish new npm packages (depending on the needs) with it's dependencies to this offline registry.

My problem is when I download those npm packages, it downloads it's package.json that holds information about all this package versions existing. Then if I don't have this package's latest version physically in my registry then it causes issues while installing packages, because X.X.X version is tagged with "latest" in the package.json file but I dont have this version's files in my npm registry.

Is there any way of running npm integrity check? something that runs all over the package.json files of all packages and checks if I do have in my registry the files of all the versions mentioned in the package.json?

Thanks in advance, Ben

Ben Shai

Posted 2019-04-01T09:47:45.440

Reputation: 1

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