What changes are made with "passwd" command in Centos 7


Information: Vm Server running Centos 7, Plex Media Server is the only application running on this server, SSH still connects with the password I assign.

Request: What exactly changes on a Centos 7 installation when you run the "passwd" command?

What could have caused a Plex server to stop broadcasting with the only change being an OS password change?

Back Story: Recently, one of my passwords was compromised, and so I needed to change the straggler programs that used a password I used before I knew the importance of creating unique passwords for every login.

As root, I ran the passwd command on the user that had the compromised password and it succeeded in changing the password.

I rebooted for good measure, and... the Plex web application cannot reach the server.

After some poking around, I just tried changing the password back to the original password to see if I could restore operation.

Still no dice.



Posted 2019-03-18T22:37:20.160

Reputation: 1

1I think the real question is “What’s the difference between what passwd does when run as the user vs. when run as root?” Unfortunately, while I have a hunch, I don’t know the answer. – Scott – 2019-03-19T00:21:44.363

I can give it a shot. Login as the user and change the password there. – Six – 2019-03-19T02:32:04.203

No dice.

Changed the Password in the user that runs Plex, and still no access.

Verified that the firewall settings are still good, and rebooted again, as well as using a yum reinstall plexmediaserver command to check if it was installation related. – Six – 2019-03-19T04:36:27.043

Anyone else have any input? – Six – 2019-03-22T18:50:17.833

You’re missing my point, which is that, by changing a user’s password by running passwd as root, you may have broken something.  Changing the user’s password again by logging in as the user and running passwd as the user probably isn’t enough to fix whatever you broke.  I’m not playing games with you; I don’t know what happened or how to fix it — but I guess that it has something to do with SSH keys, and I’m suggesting that you frame your query in those terms. – Scott – 2019-03-22T18:59:33.750

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