Running Chrome-browser with separate user: how to increase security?


In order to increase security and reduce probability of malware attacks to my Windows10-PC I'm running Google Chrome with a dedicated Windows user account, e. g. via the commandline "runas /user:ChromeUser chrome.exe". This ChromeUser is only used for running the Chrome-browser and nothing else.

Three Questions:

  1. Does a very complex password (in comparison to a medium complex one) for this ChromeUser increase security?

  2. Does removing the user ChromeUser from the localgroup Users (e. g. via commandline "net localgroup Users ChromeUser /delete", so no membership in any localgroup) increase security?

  3. Do the following changes in the registry for user ChromeUser increase security?

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer] "RestrictRun"=dword:00000001

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer\RestrictRun] "1"="chrome.exe"

For me it looks like these registry settings have no impact to any "runas /user:ChromeUser any_program.exe" commands, unless you are directly logged on as ChromeUser.

Helmut Merkel

Posted 2019-03-08T14:53:40.803

Reputation: 1

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