How to improve the HTML formatting in Evolution mail client



I have a question about viewing HTML emails in the Evolution mail client. Basically, I am receiving some emails that look lovely in Thunderbird but not in Evolution because the HTML rendering of Evolution isn't as advanced.

Here is a screenshot of the difference:

enter image description here

Does anyone know how to improve the HTML rendering of Evolution? e.g. a plugin, tip, code patch, etc...

The closest I've got is to right-click the email, "Save As...", save as a html file, then open in Firefox. Not exactly streamline!

What emails can't it display well? We use the subversion revision control system which is set up to send an email whenever someone commits via svnnotify all nicely coloured via the --handler HTML::ColorDiff -d parameter. When Evolution fails to use the colours, I find it very hard to read the raw diff.


Posted 2010-05-14T13:10:17.260

Reputation: 199

Good vs. bad screenshots might be helpful. – Paused until further notice. – 2010-05-14T13:21:29.263

@dennis-williamson Thanks for the advice, screenshot added. – Tom – 2010-05-14T13:47:47.567

1Great question, would love to see the render engine changed. It's all sorts of HTML e-mail that Thunderbird displays perfectly but Evolution messes up... – BloodPhilia – 2010-09-02T14:32:05.480



One workaround is to configure svnnotify with the -a parameter instead of -d (see svnnotify docs) so that instead of sending a email with the svn diff inline in the email, it sends a email with the diff as a email attachment. The advantage of this is that I can click on the attachment in Evolution and "Open with gedit", for example (gedit knows how to syntax hightlight a diff so it is more readable).

Meta: I won't accept this as a answer, because it is only a workaround. Perferably I'd like to receive the diff inline and have it rendered by Evolution.

Another workaround is to use Thunderbird for my mail client - but I like Evolution, the killer feature for me is the contacts sync with Ubuntu-one account.


Posted 2010-05-14T13:10:17.260

Reputation: 199

1Even their website doesn't seem to load right... But maybe report a bug in their bugzilla? It looks like Evolution is not doing CSS styling properly like Thunderbird is. – ADTC – 2013-09-15T19:58:16.063