How do I get 1Password to work in Safari Technology Preview?


If I launch STP » Navigate to a site's login form » Invoke 1Password to fill my credentials, Safari launches and my Login item doesn't fill in Safari Technology Preview. Why?


Posted 2019-02-22T17:49:11.027

Reputation: 41

Tech Preview is beta, and beta is beta because it still has bugs. – music2myear – 2019-02-22T17:53:04.913



Currently, in order to use 1Password (or any Safari App Extensions) with Safari Technology Preview, STP needs to be set as your default browser:

Click the Apple menu  in the top left corner of your screen » System Preferences » General. Then change your Default Web Browser to Safari Technology Preview.

You can follow this thread in the 1Password support forums if you're interested in learning more:
[1Password Support Forum - Safari Technology Preview]


Posted 2019-02-22T17:49:11.027

Reputation: 41