Server SSD read speed


We have a hp proliant DL580 Gen10 with

  • 5x12Gb/s ssd
  • 2x6Gb/s ssd

I put the 2x6Gb/s ssd in raid1 to install esxi. How do I configure the 5x12Gb/s ssd for max read performance? i.e. the main workload of the 4-10 windows vms is reading large chunks of sequential data and disk read i/o is the bottleneck I want to minimize. (I wouldn't mind parity if the perf hit is less than 10%)

I tested the speed from a linux vm with dd and the read speed from a single disk was 829 MB/s. The speed from a 4x12GB/s raid0 though, was only 781 MB/s.

Also, why don't I get higher speeds? Where does the 12GB/s come from? How does parallelism affect performance?


Posted 2019-02-10T08:17:40.103

Reputation: 1

1Where did you read the 12GB/second speed from? A webpage / product info somewhere? What exactly did they advertise, any fine print? – Xen2050 – 2019-02-10T09:15:46.793

hmm, this should be it's 12Gb/s, so 12GB/8 – Tohmaxxx – 2019-02-10T10:32:08.100

It’s probably a SAS 12 GBit/s SSD. That doesn’t mean it can actually reach this speed, of course. – Daniel B – 2019-02-10T10:43:23.347

To identify possible bottlenecks, more information is required: How are the drives connected to the system? What SAS/RAID controller (if any) are you using? What is the exact make and model of all drives? What is the exact configuration if your server? – Daniel B – 2019-02-10T10:49:56.323

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