Wordpress Installation Wizard Does Not Appear


I'm trying to run the WordPress Installation wizard on my dedicated server.

When I access the folder where WordPress is present, I get the FTP view.

Any Idea why is that? Phpmyadmin is working fine using the [IP]/phpmyadmin URL.

But I need to use // before the IP to be able to view it. If I directly use the URL, I get that the page is not Found

Can someone guide me? What should I tell the hosting company to fix?

Browser view


Posted 2019-02-07T11:52:34.403

Reputation: 1

I figured they are giving me hell every time I request something – Robz – 2019-02-07T12:10:13.570

Is there something specific to tell them tho so that its fixed? – Robz – 2019-02-07T12:10:30.350



Do you get anything when you to go http://111.222.333.444/gtaadmin/GTA/index.php ??

Without more information on your host configuration - I would guess that the most likely reason for this is that the default document type isnt specified.

A couple of options to resolve this are:

1) Get the default document of index.php added to the host

2) Create a redirect rule in htaccess (see https://help.dreamhost.com/hc/en-us/articles/215747748-How-can-I-redirect-and-rewrite-my-URLs-with-an-htaccess-file-)

You will want something like:

Redirect /path/to/old/file/ http://www.example.com/new/file/index.php


Posted 2019-02-07T11:52:34.403

Reputation: 11 177

Hello! I get Not Found The requested URL /gtaadmin/GTA/index.php was not found on this server. if I try to access anything present in the FTP. Is that an apache issue? I can only view html and other media files when I access the websites using file:// before the IP. When I access it that way and try accessing a php file, I see the code instead of running it – Robz – 2019-02-07T12:34:42.230

Sounds horribly apache config-y to me. I'll bow out now as I'm not an apache guru by any means and wouldn't want to lead you down the wrong route - but if you can see a directory and not a file in it, there's not a vast number of things other than the serving application that it can be. Have you tried WebMasters Stack Exchange? There's Apache Guru's galore on there – Fazer87 – 2019-02-07T12:39:48.370

Okay so I sent the team an email with visible anger in it and it did the trick, they got it fixed. – Robz – 2019-02-07T13:00:40.290

Glad its sorted - sorry I coudnt be more helpful in pinning down the specific issue – Fazer87 – 2019-02-07T16:02:51.720