Flush (Neo)Mutt Flags


I wonder how can I flush flags for messages without close (Neo)Mutt or switch the mailbox. I tend to keep the window open, but I want that messages that get marked as read (more likely unmarked to be unread) can be recognized as that outside of (Neo)Mutt as well. So I have some other tools to show me unread messages with notifications etc. pp. If I read now a mail in (Neo)Mutt I wan't them to not bother me anymore.
I added a makro running the shell command notmuch new, but this has no effect. As said only if I close the program or switch the box, the flags are added or removed at the mailbox and are visible for external tools.
I was not able to found a function or command at the or nor documentation. Maybe you guys can help me.


Posted 2019-02-06T13:38:08.190

Reputation: 21



As the answer to my GitHub issue states, the sync-mailbox command is doing the job and is bound to $ by default.


Posted 2019-02-06T13:38:08.190

Reputation: 21

1I was about to edit your answer and add that timeout-hook is a nice idea. Then I've found that I replied the same to Your GithHub issue 2 months ago :-) – Jakub Jindra – 2019-04-09T05:58:49.090