Deleting... dialog box stays on screen for over a minute when deleting one small file


Every now and again I log into a Windows Server 2003 box with a remote desktop connection and delete one small file. When I do this, the Deleting... dialog box appears and remains on the screen for well over a minute.

After the dialog box disappears, if I delete another small file, the Deleting... dialog box appears then disappears quickly.

Why does it take so long to delete the first file after logging into a Windows Server 2003 box with a remote desktop connection?

Is there a trick to speeding it up?

Stacey Richards

Posted 2010-05-12T03:18:08.993

Reputation: 1 292

Are you deleting the file from the remote computer or is it on a network share? – – 2010-05-12T03:31:59.967

The file is on the Windows Server 2003 box's local drive. – Stacey Richards – 2010-05-12T06:16:32.930



Empty the recycle bin. When it's full windows needs to scan the entire bin for the oldest items to delete when adding a new item.

Chris Nava

Posted 2010-05-12T03:18:08.993

Reputation: 7 009


I find it faster to delete from a command prompt, especially when deleting many files.

For example, to delete all file in a directory and subdirectories

del /S /F *.*


Posted 2010-05-12T03:18:08.993

Reputation: 7 848

You can insert if you format the line as code. Put 4 spaces at the start of the line or select the text and use the code button in the toolbar. (You can't however do that in a comment as far as I know.) – Wayne Johnston – 2010-05-12T03:43:07.837