How do I stop Netflix from losing sync between audio and video?


When I play Netflix on my Windows 10 computer, the audio gradually becomes desynchronized from the video. This happens on any browser, and on the Netflix Windows Store app.


Posted 2019-01-29T23:40:37.127

Reputation: 769



I was able to fix this by going to “Control Panel -> Sound” then double-clicking my speakers from the list, then clicking the advanced tab, and unchecking “Allow applications to take exclusive control of this device.”


Posted 2019-01-29T23:40:37.127

Reputation: 769


I tried all I found on the web, adapting my default browser - firefox - as indicated without success. When - in desperation - I made Edge my default browser the problem vanished and never came back! So my recommendation is to try to swich to Edge default browser to watch Netflix before changing settings on your preferred browser. I hope this helps people having the same problem!


Posted 2019-01-29T23:40:37.127

Reputation: 1