Enable Always Ask Before Opening this Type of File in Windows 10


I recently downloaded and wanted to install whatsup app on my pc.

But when the exe file started with prompt to run it or not i mistakenly unchecked "Always Ask Before Opening this Type of File" :/.

And the question is, Enable Always Ask Before Opening this Type of File in Windows 10?

Can't find the answer. Found for XP, Windows 7... But nothing for Windows 10 :/.

It has to be solution for Windows 10.

Krystian Walicki

Posted 2019-01-28T23:10:56.363

Reputation: 101

@Moab I think it doesn't. It's not this setting. – Krystian Walicki – 2019-01-29T09:26:00.977



Found the answer on Chron.com and Help Desk Geek

  1. Click "Start" and type "regedit" (without quotes) in the search box. Click on "regedit.exe" from the search results.

  2. Click "Yes" if a User Account Control message appears to access the registry.

  3. Go to the following key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Shell \ AttachmentExecute.

  4. Look for a key consisting of a long string of letters and numbers.

    • These keys represent the file types you told Windows not to ask about when opening
    • The key may vary depending on the web browser you were using when you disabled the option.
    • For Internet Explorer, you will see {0002DF01-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} as a key under the AttachmentExecute key.
  5. Select one of the keys under the AttachmentExecute key.

    • The right pane contains a (Default) value plus values for each of the file types for which you turned off the Always ask before opening this type of file check box.
    • Click a key to see its associated file type in the right pane.
    • Right-click on the file type and click "Delete."
  6. Click "Yes" to confirm and then exit the registry. Windows will once again prompt you with a warning message when you try to open that file type.


Posted 2019-01-28T23:10:56.363

Reputation: 2 434

It doesn't help me, because as I said I have Windows 10. And this is about Windows XP and Windows 7 – Krystian Walicki – 2019-01-29T09:15:56.097