Android emulator'graphics in software mode break gui


i'm current building an app using cordova with reactjs. Everything went well except for this particular (not major) issue i had when run the app on android studio'emulator. When creating virtual device, i chose "software" for the emulator's graphic, but it broke my app gui, however when i create another virtual device, but this time choosing "hardware" instead, it backs to normal.

Here are the screenshots:

this is the device with graphics set to hardware mode

this is the device with graphics set to software mode


Posted 2019-01-28T16:51:56.740

Reputation: 11

1I don't see a difference... – Ultrasonic54321 – 2019-01-28T17:17:15.667

Hi, it seems that i uploaded the same photo, i reposted it. maybe you can look at it again. – ThomasHAllen – 2019-01-29T01:45:04.003

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