How to host a localhost site on domain?



Im a beginner, I installed wordpress and I can acess the site in localhost with "localhost:8888/ecproj". However I have a godaddy domain and i would like to host this site in that domain. But Im not undestanding what is the process for that. I already export the site to a file using a plugin. But then do you know what is necessary to import this file to host on the domain?


Posted 2019-01-16T15:08:39.897

Reputation: 3

Question was closed 2019-01-19T16:55:48.573

When the url is acessed it redirects to So it seems that the page to manage the domain is not possible to access. – Oscar – 2019-01-16T15:18:47.457

I do not recommend hosting a website from your local PC if you are a beginner. There is a large body of prerequisite knowledge you must acquire about hosting, security, and being a webmaster. Let godaddy handle it for you. – HackSlash – 2019-01-16T18:08:09.993



localhost is a hostname that resolves to which is the default loopback interface on all computers. It means "connect to myself". Thus, I assume you are testing the website locally on your computer. To get that page on to the greater internet you need to upload it to your host. Please refer to the internal documentation for godaddy and contact their support if you need help.


Posted 2019-01-16T15:08:39.897

Reputation: 3 174