How can I tell how many bits my ssh key is?



I already created an ssh key for myself sometime in the past. I don't remember "how many bits" it is. How can I tell?

I'm wondering because I'm using hosting at and their faq says:

Can I configure my ssh connection to use a public key?

... we will not install keys that have a length less than 1536 bits ... We prefer that you use a key at least 2048 bits in length, and if you are generating a new key, the recommended length is 4096 bits.


Posted 2010-05-09T16:41:57.633

Reputation: 1 215


There's also a similar question on Server Fault.

– Cristian Ciupitu – 2015-08-22T15:48:41.357



[palvarez@oizon ~]$ ssh-keygen -l -f ~/.ssh/
2048 2e:8c:fd:aa:9f:95:86:9e:b0:d2:a6:1a:7e:d3:3e:74 .ssh/ (RSA)

2048 bits.


  -l          Show the fingerprint of the key file.
  -f filename Filename of the key file.


Posted 2010-05-09T16:41:57.633

Reputation: 1 856

4Why read the manpage when you have SO!? No… but really… sometimes the important bits are hidden in overly complex explanations for obscure flags, etc. Also I wouldn't have assumed ssh-keygen could be used to check an already generated file. – Benji – 2018-06-21T08:01:09.793

Just to add, it helps to remember for -l as "length of fingerprint/signature" or for both '-lf' as 'length of signature for file'. Hope that helps others as it helped me. – icasimpan – 2019-11-27T15:51:52.283

1Like your 2nd half, maybe should have read both halfs before opening up the manpage :-) – Puggan Se – 2013-10-11T12:00:02.440