I can connect via ssh but not with remote desktop



I have two laptops, one with windows 10, and another with Ubuntu 18.04.1 (with gnome desktop, the default one)

On the Ubuntu laptop, I installed the ssh server and the xrdp server (enabled xrdp sudo systemctl enable xrdp, opened the firewall sudo ufw allow 3389 , etc.). On the windows laptop I installed winscp.

On the windows laptop, I can use winscp to connect to the Ubuntu laptop. However the windows remote desktop application cannot connect to the Ubuntu laptop.

Any idea on why is this? How can I fix it?

Santi Peñate-Vera

Posted 2019-01-04T13:34:40.110

Reputation: 153

How do you specify the Ubuntu computer? Use the IP address if the computer-name does not work. – harrymc – 2019-01-06T20:02:44.340

have there any error showed on connection try? (both side, linux server and windows client), have you try out with other RDP client like remmina? – AtomiX84 – 2019-01-07T07:53:34.677

Does it work within the firewall? – juniorRubyist – 2019-01-08T04:21:19.753

@harrymc: I already use the IP address – Santi Peñate-Vera – 2019-01-08T07:25:18.880

Have you done all these configuration settings?

– harrymc – 2019-01-08T07:39:42.017

Those instructions were valid when ubuntu was using Unity which was not RDP compatible. Now Ubuntu uses Gnome which is RDP compatible. Apart from that, yes I did configure xrdp. – Santi Peñate-Vera – 2019-01-08T14:59:16.040

Does RDP work with ufw disabled? – Antony – 2019-01-10T09:17:54.857

Does netstat on Ubuntu show port 3389 listening? Can you telnet from Win10 to Ubuntu on port 3389? – ssnobody – 2019-01-12T00:48:12.580



Log in to the Linux box, open a terminal window.and type

  sudo tcpdump -n -i any src or dst IP.OF.WIN.BOX

Then try rdp and see.if you are getting any packets from the Windows.box. If yoy see packets entering but not leaving you know the problen is in the Linux box.

Check that rdp server is listening on the correct interface by

  telnet ip.of.lin.box 3389

And seeing if you get an rdp banner. If not, you know rdp is not running, or if it is it is not listening on the correct interface or firewalled.

Check that your system is using ufw rather then firewalld or something else. To check the underlying firewall

sudo iptables -vnL

Check input for DEST 3389 tcp and output for new/rstablished/related rule.


Posted 2019-01-04T13:34:40.110

Reputation: 49 152