Backup/access SMS on Nokia 3310 3g/2017 from Linux PC?


I'm trying to back up SMS messages on a Nokia 3310 3G onto a Ubuntu 18.04 PC; note that hardware system-on-chiand OS differs by version for a Nokia 3310 (2017):

System on chip / Operating system:

  • MediaTek MT6260 / Nokia Series 30+ (2G)
  • Spreadtrum SC7701B / Java-powered Smart Feature OS (3G)
  • Spreadtrum SC9820A / Yun OS (4G, CMCC)

I have the 3G, so I have a "Smart Feature OS" which apparently is a version of KaiOS (Is there any difference between KaiOS and 'Smart Feature OS'? : KaiOS), which apparently (KaiOS – A Smartphone Operating System | Hacker News) is a fork of Firefox OS.

I have found which apparently was a sync/backup PC application for Firefox OS while it still existed; it is actually a firefox extension which I installed in Firefox 43, but it doesn't find the phone. Then again, the extension makes use of "ADB Helper add-on", and adb:

$ adb devices -l
List of devices attached

... doesn't list this device either.

Connecting this device via USB prompts "Charging only" or "Mass storage"; adb fails to detect the device in either of these modes.

When in mass storage mode, I get /media/disk which apparently is an internal partition, and /media/0000-9C43 which is my SD card. Looking at the internal partition:

$ tree /media/disk/
├── Alarm
├── Audio
├── Backups
├── Ebook
├── Filearray
├── Java
│   ├── Media
│   └── tmp
├── JBed
│   └── Installed
│       ├── s0__d0.db
│       ├── s0__d1.db
│       ├── s0__d2.db
│       ├── s0__d3.db
│       ├── s0__d4.db
│       ├── s0__d5.db
│       ├── s0__d6.db
│       ├── s0_.jah
│       ├── s0_.obj
│       ├── s1__d0.db
│       ├── s1_.jah
│       ├── s1_.obj
│       ├── s2__d0.db
│       ├── s2__d1.db
│       ├── s2__d2.db
│       ├── s2__d3.db
│       ├── s2__d4.db
│       ├── s2__d5.db
│       ├── s2__d6.db
│       ├── s2_.jah
│       ├── s2_.obj
│       ├── s3__d0.db
│       ├── s3__d1.db
│       ├── s3__d2.db
│       ├── s3__d3.db
│       ├── s3__d4.db
│       ├── s3__d5.db
│       ├── s3__d6.db
│       ├── s3__d7.db
│       ├── s3_.jah
│       ├── s3_.obj
│       ├── s4__d0.db
│       ├── s4__d1.db
│       ├── s4__d2.db
│       ├── s4__d3.db
│       ├── s4__d4.db
│       ├── s4__d5.db
│       ├── s4__d6.db
│       ├── s4_.jah
│       ├── s4_.obj
│       ├── s5_.jah
│       ├── s5_.obj
│       ├── s6__d0.db
│       ├── s6_.jah
│       └── s6_.obj
├── Music files
├── OperaMini
│   └── mini4
│       ├── enteredlinks.ini
│       ├── enteredsearches.ini
│       ├── reksio.ini
│       └── speeddials.ini
├── Others
├── Photos
│   ├── DSC_0000001.jpg
│   ├── DSC_0000002.jpg
│   └── Saved Pictures
├── Received files
│   └── Nokia.txt
├── Recordings
│   ├── Radio recordings
│   ├── Received recordings
│   └── Voice recordings
├── System
│   ├── Gallery
│   │   └── main_filelist.txt
│   ├── MMS
│   │   ├── 47192.mms
│   │   └── mmslist.ini
│   ├── moreringset
│   │   └── envset.ini
│   ├── Mp3_res
│   │   ├── list1.lst
│   │   ├── list2.lst
│   │   ├── list3.lis
│   │   ├──
│   │   └── MyMusic.lst
│   └── Video
├── vCalendar
├── vCard
└── Video

31 directories, 61 files

... I cannot find anything corresponding to SMS messages or contacts. Additionally the system seems to use JBed, which is either a small, fast Java Virtual Machine (JVM) for embedded real-time systems, or JBED - Run Java Games And Apps On Your Android Device.

Over bluetooth, this is what the device advertises:

$ sdptool browse XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX | grep "Service Name\|RFCOMM"
Service Name: OBEX File Transfer
  "RFCOMM" (0x0003)
Service Name: OBEX Object Push
  "RFCOMM" (0x0003)
Service Name: Advanced Audio
Service Name: Voice Gateway
  "RFCOMM" (0x0003)
Service Name: Voice Gateway
  "RFCOMM" (0x0003)

I cannot get gammu or wammu to connect with this device. Closest I got with gnokii was using this config file, nokia3310-gnokii.config:

port = XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
initlength = default
connection = bluetooth
rfcomm_channel = 3
model = AT

Here is what gnokii says:

$ gnokii --config nokia3310-gnokii.config --identify
GNOKII Version 0.6.31
LOG: debug mask is 0x1
Config read from file nokia3310-gnokii.config.
phone instance config:
model = AT
port = XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
connection = bluetooth
initlength = default
serial_baudrate = 19200
serial_write_usleep = -1
handshake = software
require_dcd = 0
smsc_timeout = 10
rfcomm_channel = 3
sm_retry = 0
Initializing AT capable mobile phone ...
Serial device: opening device XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
Channel: 3
Channel: 3
Using channel: 3
Message sent: 0x00 / 0x0004
41 54 5a 0d                                     | ATZ             
write: [ATZ<cr>]
read : [ERROR<cr><lf>]
Message received: 0x00 / 0x0007
03 45 52 52 4f 52 0d                            |  ERROR          
Received message type 00
Message sent: 0x00 / 0x0005
41 54 45 31 0d                                  | ATE1            
write: [ATE1<cr>]
read : [ERROR<cr><lf>]
Message received: 0x00 / 0x0007
03 45 52 52 4f 52 0d                            |  ERROR          
Received message type 00
Message sent: 0x00 / 0x000a
41 54 2b 43 4d 45 45 3d 31 0d                   | AT+CMEE=1       
write: [AT+CMEE=1<cr>]
read : [OK<cr><lf>]
Message received: 0x00 / 0x0004
02 4f 4b 0d                                     |  OK             
Received message type 00
Message sent: 0x06 / 0x0007
41 54 2b 47 4d 4d 0d                            | AT+GMM          
write: [AT+GMM<cr>]
read : [^@^DME ERROR: 4<cr><lf>]
Message received: 0x06 / 0x000f
05 00 04 4d 45 20 45 52 52 4f 52 3a 20 34 0d    |    ME ERROR: 4  
Received message type 06
Message sent: 0x06 / 0x0008
41 54 2b 43 47 4d 4d 0d                         | AT+CGMM         
write: [AT+CGMM<cr>]
read : [^@^DME ERROR: 4<cr><lf>]
Message received: 0x06 / 0x000f
05 00 04 4d 45 20 45 52 52 4f 52 3a 20 34 0d    |    ME ERROR: 4  
Received message type 06
Initialization failed (6)
Serial device: closing device
Telephone interface init failed: Function or connection type not supported by the phone or by the phone driver.
Function or connection type not supported by the phone or by the phone driver.

I tried to test the AT via bluetooth serial:

Here, I saw that nearly every AT command (including AT+CMGL "List messages") returns +CME ERROR: 4, which is Operation not supported, except for AT+CMEE=1 Report mobile termination error and AT+CLCC (List current calls), which does not look good.

So, what Linux software could I use to access SMS on this phone device (and possibly delete it)?


Posted 2019-01-02T02:53:10.943

Reputation: 3 758

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