Large contenteditable divs become terrible in Android 9 Pie webview


I have an App for notes taking based on HTML CSS and Javascript where text editing is made with contenteditable DIV. Each content page can contain formatted text, links, lists, tables, images.

With last update to Android 9 Pie of my Google Pixel XL the content editable of large notes become terribly slow, making the App essentially unusable. On small/normal contents slowness is almost unnoticeable.

When the App hangs for long time (like 30 s), Android asks if should kill it or wait. Letting wait the DIV is finally edited but any input (letters, new lines, etc.) takes few seconds to be executed.

Disabling all Javascript related to the text editing functions doesn't change the behaviour. Changing text input (keyboard) and disabling Chrome App doesn't change.

On AndroidStudio, running my App on simulator API 28 (Android 9 Pie) doesn't have the problem.

Luckily I have another Pixel XL that I'm keeping on Android 8.1 Oreo that let me continue to use my app (I use it daily since 4 years). Same App runs ok on older devices with Android 6.0 and 7.0 app (Motorola G2 and G4).

Has anyone experienced this issue?


Posted 2018-12-30T23:32:02.493

Reputation: 11

Question was closed 2018-12-31T05:01:08.733

I was going to post my question on StackOverflow being it related to a problem for software developers. But choosing "I need help with a software or hardware issue" I was directed to SuperUser. The problem seems related to latest version of Android (software) when running on at least a specific Google smartphone (hardware). Where should I post it? – chris_gray – 2018-12-31T08:03:40.353

Strange, after about 6 months experiencing the problem, I got it gone. Today I thought that the antivirus was possibly causing the issue so I forced Bitdefender to stop (I have Bitdefender on all my PCs and mobile devices). Problem was gone, Pixel phone behaving exactly as the other one with previous Android version. Even restarting Bitdefender and restarting the phone issue didn't come back again. I wonder it it was really the cause of the problem or just a coincidence. – chris_gray – 2019-01-14T09:06:16.740

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