Ubuntu multiple KDE sessions for same user?


I have KDE on my Ubuntu and I have installed XRDP. I have startkde in my .xsession but I cannot login into it remotely unless I logout from it first.

The same is true vice-versa. If I logout and then connect using XRDP, I cannot login locally...

Is there any way I can stay logged in and remotely login with the same user?

-- EDIT --

I have a user that is always logged in on my NUC and is running a bunch of applications I need running 24/7. If I set that user to logout after 15 minutes (screen lock) I cannot access my applications (specifically, QBitTorrent Web UI).

I would also like to login to my NUC remotely so I setup OpenVPN and I am trying to login using XRDP. I can ofcourse access QBitTorrent Web UI, for an example, but I would sometimes like to install more applications.

My problem is that I cannot login using XRDP because the user is constantly logged in and running. Dropping a session would also make my applications unavailable after I logout from XRDP, wouldn't it?


Posted 2018-12-28T21:40:14.400

Reputation: 73

You want to have two separate xrdp windows, with two separate ubuntu sessions running at the same time, but as the same user? Or do you want to "suspend" a session, then pick it up again later? – Xen2050 – 2018-12-29T01:42:57.433

To be honest, I am a very basic Linux user so it is entirely possible I have a bad setup. I don't know WHAT I really wan't to do, but I know what is bothering me, so I put that in the question, hope that helps... – alturkovic – 2018-12-29T10:35:11.347

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