Chrome stop saving adresses and keep filling those saved before



I am a web developer, I create loads and loads of different forms with autocomplete option. During the process, I save a lot of dummy addresses, emails and phone numbers, and all of those are saved in my chrome browser with this option selected:

enter image description here

What I need is to make my Chrome store (and autofill) my data added by hand only, and not to remember everything I give it during the development process.

Scenarios I consider helpful and don't know how to achieve:

  • Add addresses by hand and stop Chrome from adding new addresses in-flight
  • Tell Chrome not to save addresses for particular domains
  • An extension with a simple, editable shortcut to switch the option visible on the screenshot

I did my research and found nothing.

The scenario I will not consider is creating a separated account for web development.

Thanks in advance.


Posted 2018-12-21T10:02:28.710

Reputation: 123

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