Create Certificate Signing Request (CSR) with Subject Alternative Name (SAN) on Windows without third party tools



I need to create a CSR on Windows with Subject Alternative Names. Normally I use the built in feature from IIS but it does not give the alternative to use Subject Alternative Name (SAN).

I know that I can use DigiCert Certificate Utility for this but it is not an option to install.

Using MMC -> Request new certificate has no enrollment policy.

enter image description here

enter image description here


Posted 2018-12-19T16:59:11.357

Reputation: 920



Found the way to do it:

MMC -> Certificates(Local Computer) -> Right click on the Personal folder -> All Tasks -> Advanced Operations -> Create Custom Request...

enter image description here

I choose Proceed without enrollment policy and clicked next. Choose (No Template) Legacy key for compatibility and more options and use PKCS #10. Click on next and click on Properties.

enter image description here

Enter a Friendly name and Description and hit apply. Don't forget to hit apply after changes has been done on each tab.

Other tab examples for https certificate. Remember to add a valid Host + Domain Name for Common Name (CN), should look like or Subject Alternative Names should be added under Alternative name and Type DNS.

If you need a new CSR similar to an existing certificate look at that certificate details and the Fields Subject and Subject Alternative Name

enter image description here

Under the tab Extensions choose Client Authentication Server Authentication for Extended Key Usage (application policies).

enter image description here

Under the tab Private Key choose Key size 4096 and Make private key exportable.

If you have the Key type flap choose Exchange otherwise check that Select Hash Algorithm is set to sha256.

enter image description here

If you choose (No Template) CNG key it will look like this:

enter image description here

Save with OK and then save the file as Base64.


Posted 2018-12-19T16:59:11.357

Reputation: 920

2Thank you for posting that! However, I think the proper choice would be "Server Authentication". At least that is what I think it should be for a web server SSL cert. – Jim Clark – 2019-03-28T18:03:34.710

@JimClark Thanks, I think you are correct. :) – Ogglas – 2019-03-29T10:01:37.163

What file extension to use? – user230910 – 2019-10-09T03:24:04.650