Systemd calendar interval, "Failed to parse calendar specification"


I'm on Ubuntu 16.04. When I try to use the time syntax show here (Mon..Fri) I get an error. It seems I have to use 'Mon-Fri'.

$ sudo systemctl status mytouch.timer
● mytouch.timer - Runs mytouch every hour
   Loaded: error (Reason: Invalid argument)
   Active: inactive (dead) since Thu 2018-12-13 16:16:35 UTC; 1h 11min ago

Dec 13 17:15:20 ip-10-0-0-123 systemd[1]: [/etc/systemd/system/mytouch.timer:5] Failed to parse calendar specification, ignoring: Mon..Fri 22:30
Dec 13 17:15:20 ip-10-0-0-123 systemd[1]: mytouch.timer: Timer unit lacks value setting. Refusing.

Also, I had problems putting the time zone after the date, such as: 2003-03-05 05:40:00 UTC.

Finally, I have seen the suggestion to use systemd-analyze calendar but that produces this error:

$ systemd-analyze calendar Mon,Wed,Fri,Sat\ \*-\*-\*\ 11:00:00
Unknown operation 'calendar'.

Where do I find documentation for the version of systemd I'm running.


Posted 2018-12-14T15:14:55.967

Reputation: 203



for ubuntu 16.04, the time syntax is, which is slightly different with the 'standard'.

for systemd-analyze, the ubuntu 16.04 version is also different. below is the output of systemd-analyze -h

  time                    Print time spent in the kernel
  blame                   Print list of running units ordered by time to init
  critical-chain          Print a tree of the time critical chain of units
  plot                    Output SVG graphic showing service initialization
  dot                     Output dependency graph in dot(1) format
  set-log-level LEVEL     Set logging threshold for manager
  set-log-target TARGET   Set logging target for manager
  dump                    Output state serialization of service manager
  verify FILE...          Check unit files for correctness


Posted 2018-12-14T15:14:55.967

Reputation: 99