Backup & Restore desktop icons on Windows 7


My home computer, laptop and work PC have different desktop sizes.
When I remotely connect from home to work or laptop to work via Citrix, Citrix rearranges my desktop icons on my work PC.

I would like to backup my desktop icon layout so that after a remote session, I can restore them.

How do I backup the desktop icons (and their positions) on Windows 7?

Home PC: Windows 10. Laptop: Windows 7.

Thomas Matthews

Posted 2018-12-04T01:13:38.790

Reputation: 259

Your remote connection simply rearranges your icons, but does not delete them, correct? If so, would simply restoring the location of the Desktop icons suffice? – I say Reinstate Monica – 2018-12-04T02:02:21.610

Yes, restoring the positions would suffice. – Thomas Matthews – 2018-12-04T02:04:43.410

Please [edit] your question accordingly. Requiring that the icons be backed up is likely to artificially limit possible answers that would otherwise be helpful to you. – I say Reinstate Monica – 2018-12-04T02:06:39.043

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