Can I upgrade to the new Ubuntu 10 from Ubuntu 9.10 without formatting my computer?


I'm using Ubuntu 9.10

Tom Brito

Posted 2010-05-05T17:11:58.530

Reputation: 367

1Can you provide more details? Are you currently running Ubuntu? Or Windows? Or something else? – th3dude – 2010-05-05T17:17:22.430

Then my answer is the easiest way to proceed ;) Considering you have GUI installed... – Marc-Andre R. – 2010-05-05T17:21:29.893

Also somewhat related:

– th3dude – 2010-05-05T17:26:13.020

Yeah this is what I was talking about. I'll add it to my post, thank. – Marc-Andre R. – 2010-05-05T17:29:09.563

The update-manager should offer the option at the top of the list of package updates next time it runs – Martin Beckett – 2010-05-05T17:47:33.687



If you don't have it already, you gonna need a free partition on your harddrive to install it beside your current OS. If you need to create a partition, Windows Seven (if you have Windows 7) allow you to shrink a partition so you'll be able to create some place for Ubuntu.

If you already have it , just go in Updater Manager panel and you'll have an option to upgrade to 10.04 LTS on top of it.

More details here :

Update : (thanks to th3dude )

Could check this out too that outline exactly what I'm talking about :

Update to Ubuntu 9.10 from Ubuntu 9.04

Marc-Andre R.

Posted 2010-05-05T17:11:58.530

Reputation: 1 663

You are assuming they are already running Ubuntu. – th3dude – 2010-05-05T17:16:59.343


You can use Update Manager as specified in Julien's answer, or from a terminal you can use:

sudo do-release-upgrade


Posted 2010-05-05T17:11:58.530

Reputation: 3 088


Yes, do ALT + F2, type "update-manager -c", and the update manager will offer you to upgrade your Ubuntu version.


Posted 2010-05-05T17:11:58.530

Reputation: 596

You are assuming they are running Ubuntu already. – th3dude – 2010-05-05T17:16:42.153

sudo apt-get dist-upgrade from a terminal will work fine too :) – Sathyajith Bhat – 2010-05-05T17:26:27.557

@Sathya: No, you would need to edit the package sources first. But that's not recommended as it isn't officially supported and may or may not fail. – Florian Diesch – 2010-05-05T17:44:09.763

1@Julien Nicoulaud: don't use -d as this will upgrade to the latest devel release is possible. Use -c instead. – Florian Diesch – 2010-05-05T17:46:14.687

Hum yes, I did not notice Ubuntu 10.04 was released already. edited. – nicoulaj – 2010-05-05T17:59:42.657


Florian Diesch

Posted 2010-05-05T17:11:58.530

Reputation: 3 380


Manual upgrade from Karmic to Lucid from the command line:

sudo sed -i 's/karmic/lucid/g' /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude dist-upgrade


Posted 2010-05-05T17:11:58.530

Reputation: 1 385