copy-item working for subdirectories only second time script is run


I have a script that I am using to backup files. For some reason, it is only copying the files and dir of the sub-folder the second time the script runs. The error message is

"Container cannot be copied onto existing leaf item".

I am searching for this error and they say I am copying a file onto the same file name, but this is a subdir that doesn't even get created the first time the script runs. The destination folder is empty the first time I run this. Any ideas?

The source dir looks like this:

                         file and dir list   #this dir level doesn't get copied the first time, but the files do

This is what the toLoc looks like after the first execution:

                         file list   #the first time the files get copied without the dirs at this level

This is my script:

function CopyFileToFolderUNC($SourcePath, $DestinationPath){
         Copy-Item -Path $SourcePath/* -Destination $DestinationPath #Copy-Item -Path source -Destination target  -Recurse -Force 

#################start here##################################

$tempSource = @("\\DRIVE01\Svcs\Credentialing\FORMS") #eventually will have list of more than one here
$ToLocation = "C:\Users\me\Documents\2018 \powershellFiles\toLoc\Credentialing\FORMS\"  #this will eventually be array with multiple in it

for($i=0; $i -lt ($tempSource.Length); $i++) {
   CopyFileToFolderUNC $tempSource[$i] $ToLocation

Before I switched to a for loop from a foreach, I thought it was working for the subdirs in the toLoc. I need a for loop because it will be easier to deal with arrays for the source and destination dir strings which will be next.


Posted 2018-11-27T14:42:15.770

Reputation: 182

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