Is there a way to determine what program handles html links depending on which program the link was clicked in?


Is there a way to determine what program handles html links depending on which program the link was clicked in?

For example, if the link is in an outlook message, I want to it to open in IE since that's what my company codes sites for. Anything else should be open with Chrome.


Posted 2010-05-04T18:10:40.073

Reputation: 5 109



Not by default. What you'd need to have is a program that intercepted all http/https/htm/html/etc. requests, looked at its parent process, then use that information to pass the call off to the actual web browser.

I'm not aware of any such program.


Posted 2010-05-04T18:10:40.073

Reputation: 21 316

That's what I was afraid of... Maybe I'll write such a program.... – Matt – 2010-05-04T23:03:33.767