Windows 10 not associating filetypes with applications



Going into any given files properties, and changing the "open with" property has not affect on anything that isn't a default windows application.


and here


Posted 2018-11-07T04:30:02.003

Reputation: 101

Possible duplicate of How can I make Notepad++ default program for `.txt` files?

– Scott – 2018-11-07T19:07:12.723


Possible duplicate of SSMS wont give up file associations

– Ramhound – 2018-11-10T06:02:16.673



Go to Settings -> Apps -> Default apps -> Choose default apps by file type. There, you can change the default app based on file extension.


Posted 2018-11-07T04:30:02.003



It's a know bug. Windows 10 V1803 is affected. Several blogs and websites are starting to report it. I have this issue too. No matter which way you tryo, you cannot set the file association to some softwares (in my case I can't set jpeg to Adobe Bridge, for example). Hopefully MS will fix it in the next patch. Until then you'll have to live with the problem.


Posted 2018-11-07T04:30:02.003

Reputation: 11

I don't know who down voted but this is definitely the correct answer, while the other answer is a work around that doesn't actually fix the issue. – Astrydax – 2018-11-07T21:45:30.080

I upvoted because the downvote wasn't legitimate. This is the correct answer introduced in the 17134.345 build. Microsoft claims to be working on a resolution and estimates a solution will be available in late November 2018 but I bet they will be late to provide a fix

– Jérôme MEVEL – 2018-11-22T08:47:19.223