I've used WinSplit Revolution for quite some time on Windows and have become attached to it. I'm now trying out a Linux OS (Ubuntu 10.04) and would really like to get the same functionality back again. After searching on the net I found a "grid" plugin for compiz which says that it was inspired by WinSplit revolution.
I haven't installed the Grid plugin yet, because under the install section on that page, it says "Note that grid is now included in compiz so you're unlikely to need to fetch from git unless you've an old version of compiz", which would seem to suggest that the grid functionality has now been built into compiz somewhere. The thing is, I don't know where to find it in the CompizConfig Settings Manager nor how to set it up. All I want to have happen is that I get identical functionality to WinSplit revolution, where I press Ctrl + Alt + [some numpad key] to position a window on a screen and press Ctrl + Alt + [left or right arrow] to shift a window between dual screens.
Related (not duplicate) question: http://superuser.com/questions/13395
– Gnoupi – 2010-05-02T07:02:34.900