How can I sniff/capture submitted form data in IE?



I filled out an online form which is submitting to a crashed ASP.NET app. If I refresh, I get the message:

To display the webpage again, Internet Explorer needs to resend the information you've previously submitted.

If you were making a purchase, you should click Cancel to avoid a duplicate transaction. Otherwise, click Retry to display the webpage again.

This leads me to believe that the form data I filled out is still in IE's memory. How can I get to it? I tried digging with Fiddler. I can see the request but can't find a way to see the actual form data.

Michael Haren

Posted 2009-07-27T13:16:37.523

Reputation: 729

Crap I can find something for Firefox, but not for IE :( – Ivo Flipse – 2009-07-27T13:24:31.603



I have Fiddler 2 installed and just tried it with a page that asks me to repost data. I can see all of the session information in the top Session Inspector tab. TextView shows a raw format and WebForms shows a table with each name-value pair. You can even build your own response. I use the IE Developer Toolbar for mostly HTML or CSS help, with images and tables, but Fiddler for the protocol stuff.


Posted 2009-07-27T13:16:37.523

Reputation: 520

Agreed, Fiddler rocks. Here's the link:

– Doug Harris – 2009-07-27T15:51:48.367


Try installing Web Development Helper. I think you can see the posted content with that tool.


Posted 2009-07-27T13:16:37.523

Reputation: 10 524


There is the IE developer toolbar available from microsoft. It has all the data required.

Wikipedia link :


Posted 2009-07-27T13:16:37.523

Reputation: 2 030


Wow they have one of their own now. I've always used Web Development Helper. Here's the download link for completeness ;-)

– fretje – 2009-07-27T13:50:46.473

It's especially nice that it's built in to IE 8 and 9. – newenglander – 2011-11-08T08:56:11.827


The IE Developer Toolbar and Fiddler2 tools already suggested are are worthwhile.

I also like the TamperIE add-on for this type of troubleshooting, specifically when form values are what you're looking for. Essentially, when enabled TamperIE lets you see and modify the query string and form variables in any GET or POST request.

One more IE add-on worth mentioning is ieHttpHeaders. While generally useful for viewing the request and response header sequence, it also has the ability to show the request body (i.e. POST form variables, etc.)

Chris W. Rea

Posted 2009-07-27T13:16:37.523

Reputation: 10 282