LaTeX syntax no longer works in PowerPoint equation editor—how to fix it?



I am using PowerPoint for Mac 16.13.1 to type some equations on slides using the Insert -> Equation feature.

It used to be possible to use some limited LaTeX syntax when typing equation, e.g. \int, \sqrt or \rightarrow would all work as in LaTeX. Now they no longer work in PowerPoint (they still do in Word 16.13.1).

How can I bring this feature back? Is there a setting for it? Typing equations by clicking with the mouse is unusably slow.

If there is no setting, which version broke this functionality?


Posted 2018-10-08T14:54:44.930

Reputation: 2 248

Did you find a solution for this? For me it starts working again when i re-install PowerPoint on Mac, but then stops working again without apparent reason after a few days... – azureai – 2019-03-18T22:48:13.993

@azureai Unfortunately, no. I'm on version 16.16.4 now, but this is still not fixed. The subscription version of Office ("365") does have this fixed, but it seems that the buy-once version (which our institute has) does not, even after several bugfix releases. – Szabolcs – 2019-03-19T08:59:46.653

@azureai I often type formulas in Word then copy and paste to PowerPoint. I might as well go back to LaTeXiT, it seems ... – Szabolcs – 2019-03-19T09:00:18.527

I searched for a long time and found a solution/workaround, check my answer. Hopefully they will put out a real fix in the future, but I'm not confident they are even aware of this problem. – azureai – 2019-03-20T13:41:27.717



After a lot of trying things out and searching the internet, I found two 'solutions'.

  1. Delete the folders



    ~/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office

    You need to log back into your Office applications afterwards though, and furthermore this will remove your outlook profile folder, so you might want to copy 'UBF8T346G9.Office/outlook' to another location instead of deleting it with the other stuff, and move it back after restarting Office.

    Also make sure to disable 'send usage statistics' in your Office applications after deleting the folders, if you're not comfortable with sending those. For me, it is enabled by default. I got this solution from here.


  2. Delete and reinstall the whole Office suite.

Now it's crucial that the functionality can break again. For me this happens when I disable 'capitalize first letter in sentence' in the autocorrect menu. I have to decide between either having my equations working, or being able to have lower case letters at the beginning of my sentences by default. We should probably still all contact Microsoft about this, because otherwise they will never fix it.


Posted 2018-10-08T14:54:44.930

Reputation: 131

1"For me this happens when I disable 'capitalize first letter in sentence' in the autocorrect menu" Ah, that might be why it broke for me then ... I usually disable that. I find it very annoying and I find it very easy to capitalize words myself. I spend a lot more time on correcting the auto-capitalization afterwards. – Szabolcs – 2019-03-20T13:41:50.140

@Szabolcs Same for me. I would prefer lower-case letters but I guess it's one or the other for now. I really hate this to be honest, but what are ya going to do. I doubt Microsoft cares that much about Mac users, since there are a few threads about this on the official Microsoft forum. – azureai – 2019-03-20T13:44:34.857