Is it possible to offload \winsxs\ to a usb flash drive?


My 277GB Laptop C:\ drive is being gobbled up by Windows7. Windows folder takes 80% of the disc (Treesize).
Running the OS from a USB stick is a bad idea (SE forums writer/s).
Only 15% of the disc is taken by the \User\ folders. Most of my data now lives on USB storage.
There is 2.64GB Free left on C:\ and thats after MS walked thru Windows Cleaner (useless in this situation) and some other small tweaks. Moving winsxs would free up some 14GB. If that works, I would look for other folders to scuttle or better yet a way to move the OS. Ideas?


Posted 2018-10-04T03:24:24.137

Reputation: 11

Question was closed 2018-10-04T15:36:52.380

Winsxs is not your problem. C:\windows\logs is. Navigate there and delete all the runaway log files Windows is creating. If something won’t delete, kill “trustedinstaller” in task manager then quickly delete the remaining cbs.log file. Then navigate to c:\windows\temp and delete everything you can in there. Then run disk cleanup and clean system files also including updates. Then delete contents of c:\windows\softwaredistribution\downloads. That’ll about do it. In the future use windirstat to see where your disk space is used. – Appleoddity – 2018-10-04T03:27:07.757

@Appleoddity is correct. WinSxS is vital for your system's health, while you could attempt to shrink it, even more, it will come at a vital cost of being able to uninstall patches and various other things that you will come to regret. If space is that vital, invest in a larger disk, and use something like WizTree to determine what is actually using your space (WinDirStat is really slow) – Ramhound – 2018-10-04T03:34:38.013

as they say ... Bingo! amazingly ridiculous. I now have 172GB free. Thanks all – LenG – 2018-10-16T03:01:14.633

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