Windows won't hide my notification area icons, even though I set them to hide


In Windows 10, windows will always show all of my notification area icons. I've went into "Taskbar Settings => Select which icons appear on the taskbar", and turned off everything, but all the icons still appear anyway. How do I get them to hide under the chevron icon like they normally do?


Posted 2018-10-03T23:34:21.997

Reputation: 769

Related post - Windows 10 system tray reduce icons

– RBT – 2020-01-27T10:19:18.540



Both of the following registry keys should have a DWORD called NoAutoTrayNotify. The DWORD's value should be 0.

  1. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
  2. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer


Posted 2018-10-03T23:34:21.997

Reputation: 769


If you are not using Windows 10 home version, we also could remove notification through the following group policy items:User > Administrative Templates > Start Menu and Taskbar > remove notification abd action center


Posted 2018-10-03T23:34:21.997

Reputation: 99

That eliminates the notifications entirely. It doesn't hide them under the chevron icon. – Strill – 2018-10-04T16:15:26.117