How to create a listening server in windows server 2008 to recieve files from linux via nc command?


Right now i have a linux server listening at a port to write whatever comes at that port in a file the following way:

 nc -l -p 7777 | tee some.file

And i have a linux client that pushes a file to the server the following way:

cat ZKDB.db | nc 7777

Everything works perfectly. But the thing is that i need to replace the linux server with a windows server 2008 equivalent

What command or program can i use in windows server 2008 to achieve the same i did in the linux server?

Note: the linux client is very old embed system so i don't have much functionalities to hold on to. I barely have telnet, nc, cat, tee, etc.

Nicolas Paz

Posted 6 years ago

Reputation: 1

Get a netcat build for Windows? – Attie – 6 years ago



Windows ports for Netcat do exist and various versions can be found. Below are some that I found.


Posted 6 years ago

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