Msgbox VBA on closed workbook


I have 2 different workbooks:

  • workbook-1
  • workbook-2

I want msgbox in workbook-1 referring to values in workbook-2.

For example:

In workbook-1:

| A |
| B |
| C |

In workbook-2:

| A | 10 | 5  | 6 | 4 |

| B | 5  | 4  | 2 | 1 |

| C | 5  | 10 | 5 | 6 |

When I give key (A) on workbook-1, it should refer to the values in workbook-2 and show as a msgbox.

Msg box:

| A  |
| 10 |
| 5  |
| 6  |
| 4  |

The code I have so far is:

Sub Search()

Msg = "CALL DETAILS" & vbCr

dim path as String

dim file as String

dim sheet as String

path = "C:\Users\naresh.g\Desktop\vlookup\"

file = "workbook2.xlsx"

sheet = "sheet2"

  If (path & file & sheet) <> "" Then

'i am getting error here as subscript out of range error code 9

'sometime i am getting object require

    For Each cell In Sheets("sheet2").Range("B2:B" & Sheets("sheet2").Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row)
        If LCase(cell.Value) = LCase(Selection.Value) Or InStr(1, LCase(cell.Value), _
            LCase(Selection.Value)) > 0 Then
                Msg = Msg & vbCr & cell.Offset(0, 1) & " / " & vbCr & cell.Offset(0, 2) & " / " & cell.Value
        End If
    i = MsgBox(Msg, vbInformation)
End Sub 

Naresh G

Posted 2018-09-29T10:34:32.523

Reputation: 11

1What exactly is your problem/question? – I say Reinstate Monica – 2018-09-29T11:36:38.670

Hi, i want to pick the matching values from closed workbook. – Naresh G – 2018-09-29T11:51:51.743

Above mentioned code is working on the same workbook , but when i give direction and path it shows error. – Naresh G – 2018-09-29T11:54:22.497

Please [edit] your question to include the error. – I say Reinstate Monica – 2018-09-29T11:56:12.833

Hi! Question edited – Naresh G – 2018-09-29T12:30:59.307

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