Create shortcut to Windows 10 Start


How can I create file shortcut (.lnk) to Windows 10 Start?

I mean the shortcut which opens that popup window which appears after click to START button on a keyboard.

Jiří Poláček

Posted 2018-09-20T14:01:56.887

Reputation: 251

Question was closed 2018-09-22T11:36:40.957

Please clarify your specific problem or add additional details to highlight exactly what you need. As it's currently written, it’s hard to tell exactly what you're asking. See the How to Ask page for help clarifying this question. – Ramhound – 2018-09-20T14:03:15.920

Please provide a screenshot of what you mean exactly by editing your question – Ramhound – 2018-09-20T14:03:18.253

Do you mean like shell:common start menu ? – LPChip – 2018-09-20T14:11:41.650

Why would you want to do that? The start menu can only be opened using a keyboard, faking keyboard events or by clicking the start menu button. – Daniel B – 2018-09-20T14:19:58.677



You can open it using a power shell script then link to that, this should point you in the right direction Open the start menu using Powershell


Posted 2018-09-20T14:01:56.887

Reputation: 101