Create shortcut to Windows 10 Calendar


How can I create file shortcut (.lnk) to Windows 10 Calendar?

I mean the popup window which opens after click to time in right corner of Windows 10 taskbar. (There is time and calendar of actual month.)

Jiří Poláček

Posted 2018-09-20T12:28:15.057

Reputation: 251



I found a similar method. We can create a shortcut by dragging and dropping the Calendar on the desktop, then open it and adjust its display size and placement according to your needs.

For example, we can put it in the upper left or upper right corner, so that we can view the time and date, as shown below:

enter image description here

Daisy Zhou

Posted 2018-09-20T12:28:15.057

Reputation: 812

this answer seems depreciated on win 1909 (the icon isn't drop-able anymore)

– JinSnow – 2020-01-06T10:45:34.083