Does Ubuntu Netbook Remix require an Intel Atom processor?


I have a laptop with an Intel Celeron 1.6GHz processor and 512MB of RAM - a similar spec to current netbooks.

Will I be able to install Ubuntu Netbook Remix on this laptop or will it only work with Intel Atom processors?

Minimum hardware requirements:

  • Processor: Intel® Atom™ processor
  • RAM: 512 MB
  • Storage: 4 GB Flash disk (SSD) or hard disk


Posted 2010-04-29T10:35:33.893

Reputation: 15 408



It uses the standard 32 bit x86 kernel, and therefore will work on any intel based system, including your celeron.


Posted 2010-04-29T10:35:33.893

Reputation: 2 204

@gorilla - Now installed! 10.4 netbook remix works great. I asked the Q because I could never get 9.10 netbook remix working and having looked at the requirements today. – Shevek – 2010-04-29T21:30:30.460

Strange that it should call out the Atom specifically like that, if it doesn't care. – T.J. Crowder – 2010-05-24T17:57:02.157