Map tel: links to get request in Firefox


We have a PBX system in our office that can be triggered to originate a call to a given number on your extension whilst you are logged into the User Control Panel (so you get the right cookies) by visiting

Is there an extension or any guides on writing an extension for Firefox to pass tel: links to a given url.


Posted 2018-09-03T14:00:31.007

Reputation: 469



This might help :

  • Open regedit
  • Navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\tel\shell\open\command
  • Double-click on (Default)
  • Copy and save the current value as a backup
  • Replace it by :
    "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" ""%l""

I haven't tested it so errors are possible, but let me know how it works.


Posted 2018-09-03T14:00:31.007

Reputation: 306 093