Why is Incognito mode disabled in Google Chrome on my mac?


I am trying to enable incognito mode in Google Chrome on my MacBook. However, the option is greyed out in the drop down menu. Why is it disabled and how can I enable it?


Posted 2018-08-10T13:04:54.050

Reputation: 21

Related: https://superuser.com/q/419643/31641. (Not a duplicate question, as all answers there are for Windows, but it might give you some clues of places to start looking.)

– TRiG – 2018-08-10T13:24:26.583



It might have been disabled at the system preferences level, possibly by another admin user on your machine. This post explains how to DISABLE it.

I assume that to ENABLE it again, you must set the IncognitoModeAvailability to a value of 0


Posted 2018-08-10T13:04:54.050

Reputation: 111

Weird. The normal way too disable stuff is 0 for false. I'll confirm this as I was struck by this issue too. – Jonny – 2019-01-30T04:43:23.653