End a Windows 10 background user session without switching to it?


Let's say I'm an admin on my Windows home machine, logged in to my account, and another account is also logged in, in the background.

Is there a way for me to terminate that background session/account without having to log into it first? I'm asking the equivalent of this Mac question: https://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/3492/log-out-other-user-w-o-first-switching-to-that-user


Posted 2018-08-10T06:21:39.130

Reputation: 53

2If you're an admin I'm pretty sure you can do this from Task Manager. Are you asking for a programmatic way to do it? – Phueal – 2018-08-10T06:38:34.770



This can be done from Task Manager or from cmd

Method #1

  1. Open Task Manger
  2. Click on the Users tab
  3. Find the user session you want to log off and right-click it
  4. Select Sign off

logoff through task manager

Method #2

  1. Open cmd prompt as administrator
  2. enter query session
  3. Make note of the session ID number that corresponds to the account you want to logoff
  4. enter logoff <ID #>

logoff through command


Posted 2018-08-10T06:21:39.130

Reputation: 6 068