Almost all of my programs arn't recognized anymore


I had a virus on my computer and was able to remove it, however, now almost all of my programs won't work. Even trying to open freecell pulls up the "select a software to run this in" window. I can't even install software anymore because after downloading a setup file and clicking on it, it too opens the "choose a program to run this in" window. I'm trying to find a way to fix without reinstalling the OS. Does anyone know a way to restore the file/files that are missing that are causing this problem without starting over?


Posted 2010-04-25T14:22:42.637

Reputation: 163

2You should associate your accounts; this will give you 100 reputation. – SLaks – 2010-04-25T14:36:40.377



The registry entry for .EXE files has been modified.

You need to boot the computer to a functioning copy of Windows (Such as WinRE on the Vista install CD), run regedit, mount the file \WINDOWS\system32\config\SOFTWARE, and set the (Default) value of the registry key Classes\exefile\shell\open\command to "%1" %*. If it is already, make sure that the (Default) value of the key Classes\.exe is exefile.

Also, (I'm curious), please tell us what that value is now.

I don't think there is any way to do this without a second copy of Windows; however, yuo can try using explorer to copy Regedit.exe as


Posted 2010-04-25T14:22:42.637

Reputation: 7 596

Caught me writing something similar! +1 – William Hilsum – 2010-04-25T14:27:22.023

And if I don't have the vista install cd anymore? – Bryan – 2010-04-25T14:28:23.163

Any install CD for Vista / Windows Server 2008 or later will do, even the trial versions. – SLaks – 2010-04-25T14:34:20.520

Also, if explorer works (press Windows+E), try copying regedit.exe from WINDOWS\system32 and renaming the copy to end in .com; if the copy runs, you can do it there. (Don't mount any file; replace Classes in my instructions with HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT) – SLaks – 2010-04-25T14:35:45.227

Sorry it took me so long. I booted with a copy of windows 7 I had and opened the registry editor, got to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \exefile\shell\open\command and Default and IsolatedCommand both have under the Data header a value of "%1" %* and for the Classes.exe the Default has exefile in there already. Is there supposed to be anything else in there? – Bryan – 2010-05-21T12:57:15.867

You're looking at the registry of the functioning copy that you booted to. You need to load the registry hive from the broken copy by selecting HKEY_USERS and clicking File, Load Hive. – SLaks – 2010-05-21T17:26:31.920

When I try to Load Hive, then follow the same steps above \Windows\system32..... etc and get down to software it asks me for "Key Name:" what am I supposed to put there? the key for the disc I'm booting from or something else? – Bryan – 2010-05-29T16:21:33.713

Ok so I backed all of the way out to c:\ then drilled down as directed above when trying to Load Hive and Typed in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT for the Key Name and it did it, i think. under Classes_Root I now have a .exe folder which is defaulted to exefile, a exefile folder that has a Default-"Application", EditFlags-"38 07 00 00", and FriendlyTypeName-"@%SystemRoot%\System32\Shell32.dll,-10156" and then a bunch other folders. where should I go from here? – Bryan – 2010-05-29T16:45:52.393

also the exefile\shell\open\command has default and IsolatedCommand both with data values of "%1" %* – Bryan – 2010-05-29T16:49:13.803

but the default for the open folder has (value not set) – Bryan – 2010-05-29T16:49:47.407

also in exefile\shell\runasuser\command the default data value is (value not set) – Bryan – 2010-05-29T16:51:26.420

You need to browse the key that you loaded under HKEY_USERS. (Not the regular HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT key) Compare the values in the loaded hive (under HKEY_USERS) to the known good values in WinPE itself (directly in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT) – SLaks – 2010-05-31T16:10:32.713

Ok so I did that and everything seems to match. However in the Loaded Hive for the .exe It has a Content Type under Default that isn't is the regular one. It has a Data value of "application/x-msdownload". The loaded Hive .exe also expands and has a "PersistentHandler" folder in it. Should that be there? – Bryan – 2010-05-31T17:43:05.097

Also, In the original exefile\shell has open,runas,runasuser under it when expanded but the loaded hive's exefile\shell doesn't have the runasuser stuff at all. Do I need to add it? could that be my problem? – Bryan – 2010-05-31T17:49:18.137

runasuser isn't your problem. – SLaks – 2010-05-31T21:30:15.720

Those are both fine (I have them on my system). – SLaks – 2010-05-31T21:31:21.257

Did you try running a .com file? – SLaks – 2010-05-31T21:31:37.153

what do you mean "Did you try running a .com file?", I can get onto IE but I don't know what you mean by .com file. – Bryan – 2010-06-01T01:25:18.473

In addition to .exe, there is another extension for executable files called .com. Copy any EXE, rename it to a .com, and see if it works. – SLaks – 2010-06-01T16:56:37.183

I tried that and couldn't get it to work. I tried changing the shortcut value from .exe to .com and I went into the game program files and made a copy of freecell and changed it to .com and it didn't work either. – Bryan – 2010-06-04T15:49:23.320


I suggest running the system restore utility to revert your computer's state back to before you had the virus. Do this by:

  1. Press windows+r to bring up the run utility
  2. type in rstrui and hit enter
  3. follow the steps and choose an appropriate restore point (windows should make them for you automatically at regular intervals)


Posted 2010-04-25T14:22:42.637

Reputation: 1 280

This will not work. (rstrui is an exe file and will not run) – SLaks – 2010-04-25T17:43:36.850

I thought that would work. Can you boot into safe mode with the command prompt? It is possible to make changes to the registry through the command line. After that you can activate rstrui from the command prompt as well. – Jonno_FTW – 2010-04-26T04:01:01.117

You can't – it's an EXE. Almost anything you can do (including cmd) is an exe file. – SLaks – 2010-04-26T17:54:57.517

Then you'll have to find an install disc and use the repair installation feature from there. This seems the only reasonable solution without going for a complete reinstall. – Jonno_FTW – 2010-04-27T23:28:23.520

No; you can mount and edit the registry from a different copy of Windows. See my answer. – SLaks – 2010-04-28T14:05:23.523