In MS Word, how to move a word or selection to the right or left?



I know how to select a word or phrase with CTRL+⇧ Shift+→ Right Arrow or character wise with ⇧ Shift+→ Right Arrow.

My question is: How do I move a selection within the text, within the paragraph, to the left or right? The stepping could be per character, or better, per word.

Move WORD4 to the end


Posted 2018-07-31T00:42:10.213

Reputation: 185



There's no shortcut to move texts like that. You may need to use VBA for that purpose

However if multiple keystrokes are allowed then you can use Word's Move To function like this

  • Select the text you want to move
  • Press F2
  • Press / or Ctrl+/ to move the cursor to where you want to move the text
  • Press Enter

Yes it's not much better than Ctrl+X, move than Ctrl+V

Here's the complete shortcut list


Posted 2018-07-31T00:42:10.213

Reputation: 14 930


To move text in Word, you can use either the following two methods:

  • Select the text, click F2 (then move the cursor and press Enter)
  • Select the text, directly drag and drop it to the wanted location by using mouse.


Posted 2018-07-31T00:42:10.213

Reputation: 572

The first option does not seem to work for me. I am looking for a way to do it without the mouse, as it disrupts my typing even more. – Michael – 2018-08-01T23:50:16.160

If so, I am afraid no keyboards to directly achieve it... – WinniL – 2018-08-02T09:35:01.637


Without putting my hand on the mouse, my best keyboard move is

  • Select word
  • Cut Ctrl+X
  • Move around per word Ctrl+arrowkeys
  • Paste Ctrl+V

Hope that helps. (:


Posted 2018-07-31T00:42:10.213

Reputation: 948

to cut you need to use Ctrl+X, not Ctrl+C – phuclv – 2019-11-29T05:05:41.903

Yup, you're right. Thanks for the heads up. ( : – p._phidot_ – 2019-11-29T06:26:28.953